Based in London.

To access the ungraspable expanse of Antarctica I locate myself within Google Earth, only to find the imagery fractured and disrupted by the piecing together of information.

A screenshot is a purely digital capture, pixels are held still like a photograph within the screen. I use satellite images to investigate the breakup and disruptions in technology at the forefront of climate change. I am trying to access the real time acceleration of the Anthropocene, yet when I view it, it glitches.

A makeup of pixel data that
disrupts        our orientation.

Within my work I want to bring this fragmented space to the surface and pick apart the concealing and revealing of data, taking it to different methods of display to interrogate questions further. Utilising AV and printed technology to bring the viewer back to the digital source of viewing, I want to communicate a sense of the human layer within geological time.

Like the
of an ice sheet glaring back at you in digital space.

This investigation into the constant movement and shifting landscape within the static image capture is not over.
Temporalities alter and the hum of activity is present and in flux – technologies break up in time to the ice melting.